Foundation and operating a company in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Prodaja udjela u doo

Bosnia-Herzegovina is a complex state divided into two Entities and one District:

  • The entity of the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina
  • The entity of the Republika Srpska
  • Brčko District of Bosnia-Herzegovina

Foundation, operation, management and termination of a business company in Bosnia-Herzegovina is regulated at the entity level of regulation. We will inform you on following topics:

1. Introduction

2. Corporate issues

2.1.  Legal framework

2.2.  Legal forms of company

2.3.  Foundation act and Articles of Association of company

2.4.  Business activities of company

2.5.  Branch office of company

2.6.  Corporate bodies of the company

2.6.1.    Corporate bodies of the company registered in the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina

2.6.2.    Corporate bodies of the company registered in the Republika Srpska

2.7.  Procurer of company

2.8.  Termination of a company

3. Permits and consents

 4. Labor

4.1.  Introduction

4.2.  General Information

4.3.  Work and residence permit

4.3.1.    Procedures of acquiring work and temporary residence permits    Necessary documents for procedure of acquiring the work permit:    Necessary documents required for procedure of acquiring a temporary residence permit basis on work permit: when work permit is not necessary    Acquiring a temporary residence permit basis on work of key employees in a company    Acquiring a temporary residence permit basis on consulting work

5. Customs and taxes

5.1.  Value Added Tax (VAT)

5.2.  Corporate profit tax

–          Taxpayer

–          Tax rate

–          Tax Exemptions

–          Withholding tax

5.3.  Customs

Huskić Law Office

October 2013